
Your Personal Contacts App. Add, Edit or Delete contacts using MERN Contact Keeper once Registerd and Logged In

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MERN Stack Contact Keeper


Project Specifications

  • Registration & Login Required to Access Contact Keeper App
  • JWT used for Authentication
  • Express Validator for Backend Validation
  • Handling CRUD operations on Client & Server side
  • Context API for React State Management
  • Multiple Context Implementation
  • Setting Proxy
  • Register

    • Register User Page to Register a New User
  • Login

    • Login User Page to Login User
    • Registration Required to Login
  • Users

    • Register User
    • Login User with Email & Password
    • Display Contact when User get Logged In
    • Once user has Logged In, User can Add, Update & Delete Contacts
    • User Contacts should be Private and not visible to other users
    • User Should be able to Log Out.
  • Contact Form

    • All Feilds are required + Validation
    • Once Contact Added, Contact List will update
    • Added Contacts can be Edited & Deleted