
Building a MEVN Stack Authentication Template, i.e Ready to use for all.

Primary LanguageVue

MEVN Stack Authentication Template


Clone or download, Ready to use.

To use the MEVN Authentication Template you need your own DataBase. Create your Database in no time using MongoDB Atlas - the global cloud database

  • Once you have Created DataBase
    • Go to the Cluster Created > Below SANDBOX click on Connect Button > Select Connect your Application
    • Copy Link, Example (mongodb+srv://:@mevnstack-myne9.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority)
    • Go to Clone or Downloaded Folder, Find config folder > default.json
    • In default.json, Paste the Copied link (i.e. "mongoURI" : "CopiedLink" )
    • In Terminal, > npm run dev

You made it !!! Happy Coding.

Project setup

Backend Setup

npm install express bcryptjs jsonwebtoken config express-validator mongoose nodemon concurrently cors

Run Backend Server

npm run server

Create Vue Project

vue create project-name

Compiles and hot-reloads for development (Run Vue)

npm run serve
npm run dev

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Project Specifications

  • Building a MEVN Stack Authentication Template, i.e Ready to use for all.