Finding a High-Level Plan for Behavioral Robot Navigation with R-NET

In this work, we utlize a modified R-NET with gated attention and self-matching attention to develop an understanding of the behavioral navigational graph to enable the pointer network to produce a sequence of behaviors representing the path for robot navigation. The source code for data preparation is adapted from this tensorflow implementation of Translating Navigation Instructions in Natural Language to a High-Level Plan for Behavioral Robot Navigation. The source code for R-NET is adapted from this Keras implementation of R-NET: MACHINE READING COMPREHENSION WITH SELF-MATCHING NETWORKS

Getting Started

The work is trained and tested on the behavioral navigation graph dataset from Stanford.

In case natural language directions are used, GLOVE embeddings is also required. You can download the 100d (glove.6B.100d.txt) embedding from the their website or download it here and place it in the 'data' folder.

All the other necessary dataset parts are available in "data" folder. Please clone the entire project.

git clone


The code has only been tested on python 2.7.16 with the following requirements



Run the following to train the model with default configurations:


The following are the set of arguments that can be provided:

('--with_instruction', default=False, help='Use instruction or not', type=int)
('--hdim', default=100, help='Number of units in BiRNN', type=int)
('--nlayers', default=3, help='Number of layers in BiRNN', type=int)
('--batch_size', default=128, help='Batch size', type=int)
('--nb_epochs', default=50, help='Number of Epochs', type=int)
('--optimizer', default='adam', help='Optimizer', type=str)
('--lr', default=None, help='Learning rate', type=float)
('--dropout', default='0.0', help='Dropout', type=str)
('--name', default='Rnet_navigation', help='Model dump name prefix', type=str)

('--data_dir', default='data', help='Data directory', type=str)
('--exp_dir', default='experiments', help='Experiment results directory (Model checkpoint and Tensorboard logs)', type=str)


To do evaluation we require the trained model which can be downloaded here and placed in the root folder for the project. These trained models are for configurations of hdim=[50, 100], nlayers=[1, 3] and models=[model_0 (without directions), model_1 (with directions)]. Run the following to evaluate the model with default configurations on both test sets:


Trained models for various configurations are in 'trained_models' folder. Given the following arguments the trained model is selected. The following are the set of arguments that can be provided:

('--with_instruction', default=False, help='Use instruction or not', type=int)
('--hdim', default=100, help='Number of units in BiRNN', type=int)
('--nlayers', default=3, help='Number of layers in BiRNN', type=int)
('--batch_size', default=128, help='Batch size', type=int)
('--nb_epochs', default=50, help='Number of Epochs', type=int)
('--optimizer', default='adam', help='Optimizer', type=str)
('--lr', default=None, help='Learning rate', type=float)
('--dropout', default='0.0', help='Dropout', type=str)
('--name', default='Rnet_navigation', help='Model dump name prefix', type=str)

('--data_dir', default='data', help='Data directory', type=str)
('--exp_dir', default='experiments', help='Experiment results directory (Model checkpoint and Tensorboard logs)', type=str)
('--model_dir', default='trained_models', help='Trained Model directory', type=str)



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used