
Recipes on how to provision Pulsar + HTCondor cluster in CESNET's MetaCloud

Primary LanguageSmarty


Recipes on how to provision Pulsar + HTCondor cluster in CESNET's MetaCloud. Recipes are written as generaly as possible but they are still quite specific to CESNET's MetaCloud and its OpenNebula deployment.

How to run

  1. git clone https://github.com/Misenko/meta-galaxy-nodes-infra.git && cd meta-galaxy-nodes-infra
  2. Create file secrets.auto.tfvars and populate it with OpenNebula and message queue credentials.
one = {
  endpoint = "https://some.cloud.somewhere.cz:443/RPC2"
  username = "user"
  password = "password"

rabbitmq_galaxy_user_name = "galaxy-user"
rabbitmq_galaxy_user_password = "galaxy-user-password"
rabbitmq_admin_user_name = "admin-user"
rabbitmq_admin_user_password = "admin-user-password"
  1. Edit variables.tf to your liking.
  2. Unlock your SSH keyring, for example ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.
  3. docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app -v ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/root/ssh -e "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/root/ssh" misenko/terransibula apply

Last command will run a Docker container containing Terraform with OpenNebula provider and Ansible provisioner (https://github.com/Misenko/terransibula) so nothing special (except Docker) doesn't have to be installed on the host.

Recipes by default provision one NFS server node, one Pulsar + HTCondor master node and one HTCondor slave node. Number of HTCondor slave nodes can be configured in variables.tf.