
This is a really simple real time todo app built with Node, Vue, and MongoDB.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vue Mongo Todo

This is a really simple real time todo app built with Node, Vue, and MongoDB.


The following are required by this app and must be install on your machine to work.


The socket.io library is used to push real time updates to the browser. Reminders are synced with the use of socket.on to listen for events on the client, and socket.emit to push events from the server.


This will install all required dependencies for the server to run.

npm install

Start Server

This will start both the database and web server.

npm start

You can now access the app on the localhost domain: localhost:8080. The server will also bind to all available addresses, so if you wish to access the app across a network, use the local ip address of the machine running the server.

ip addr show

It will look something like 192.168.1.xxx