
Multiple Face Recognition Using OpenCV

Primary LanguagePython


This is the given task or assignment for the role of data science intern at absolute face


  • Python 3.6
  • OpenCV 3.3.0 or above
  • Numpy 1.14.3 or above

Main 3 steps of this project:

  1. Gathering the dataset from webcam.(also you can skip it if you have the data already) 2.Train a model from the acquired dataset and save the model. 3.Use the trained model to classify faces in realtime.

Steps to run this on your system.

This must work with OSX and Linux. I haven't tried windows yet.

Step 1. Create directories saved_model and training_data. Although it will be added automatically if you forget to create. Run the face_datasets.py file on your terminal. Before running it set the face_id (on line 23) to some integer value for each time you run it. This sets the labels.

Step 2.Start training the model with the obtained dataset by running the training.py.

Step 3: Run the face_recognition.py file to start detection. But before running that don't forget to change the names of ids from line 59.(Some names are already set since I ran it)

See the results.

Reference: OpenCV Documentation