
Designed 1 X 2 Circular Patch Array antenna working at 2.4 GHz and having gain of 5.74 dB using HFSS (by ANSYS). Simulated the designed antenna & obtained it's 3D polar plot.


Designed 1 X 2 Circular Patch Array antenna working at 2.4 GHz and having gain of 5.74 dB using HFSS (by ANSYS). Simulated the designed antenna & obtained it's 3D polar plot.

Note: After cloning/downloading zipped/compressed folder from git/github please first unzip/uncompress that folder before using it.

17EC088.hfss is the hfss file that can be opened in ANSYS HFSS software only. As you will open this file in HFSS you will be with required designed antenna.

17EC088_antenna.pdf is the documentation of this project. It contains all the measurement & it's calculation step. It also include obtained results after simulation of this project.