
Integrative Genomics Viewer. Fast, efficient, scalable visualization tool for genomics data and annotations

Primary LanguageJava



Java 6.0 or greater (http://www.java.com).  For MACs this generally means Leopard or Snow Leopard is required.  If
you have "Tiger" you can try OpenJDK, although we haven't tested it:  http://landonf.bikemonkey.org/static/soylatte/.
Alternatively you can still run IGV 1.5.


1. Download and unzip the distribution file to a directory of your choice.

2. To start IGV execute the following from the command line,

     java -Xmx750m -jar igv.jar

Alternatively, you can start IGV with one of the following scripts.  You might have to make the script executable
(chmod a+x igv.sh).

igv.bat       (for Windows)
igv.sh        (for LINUX and MAC OsX)
igv.command   (for MAC OsX, double-click to start)

The bat and shell scripts are configured to start IGV with 750MB of
memory.  This is a reasonable default for most machines.  If you are
working with very large datasets you can increase the amount of memory
available to IGV by editing the first line of the startup script.
Specifically change the value of the "-Xmx" parameter.  For example,
to start IGV with 1 gigabyte of memory  change the value


