
example plugin that goes through basic steps any buildkite plugin will like to go through - build, lint, test, version

Primary LanguageShell


example plugin that goes through basic steps any buildkite plugin must through - lint, shellcheck, command hook test


  - plugins:
      - https://github.com/amasare/buildkite-plugin-hello-world#v1.0.0:
          name: Ama

Running on Buildkite

You'll need to run this pipeline on an agent that:

  • can run docker commands
  • has plugins-path or BUILDKITE_PLUGINS_PATH

Make hooks/command executable

Testing Locally

To run tests locally you will need to:

  • install bats. brew install bats-core on MacOS. Other installation instructions here.
  • run tests with buildkites plugin tester which comes with supporting test libraries. docker run it --rm -v "$(pwd):/plugin" buildkite/plugin-tester.

Testing recommendations here