Slack Block Party

A Node app that whitelists users that can post in a particular Slack channel. If an unauthorized user tries to post...

  1. Their message is immediately deleted
  2. They are pinged via slackbot with a notification

In essence, Slack Block Party can be used to make a public channel read-only.

At the time of writing this, Slack only natively allows you whitelist the #announcements channel.


$ git clone
$ npm install
$ nodemon


This tool requires an env.js in the root directory with the following contents...

module.exports = {
  slackBotToken: "bot-token-goes-here",
  webToken: "user-token-goes-here",
  channelsAndUsers: {
    "channel-id-goes-here": [
    "can-have-multiple-channels": [

The user token must belong to an owner of the Slack team(s) in question.