
Automation for the People

Primary LanguageShell

Automation for the People


  1. fork the project on GitHub: https://github.com/michaelwittig/automation-for-the-people
  2. create a personal GitHub access token. Generate one here: https://github.com/settings/tokens (scopes needed: admin:repo_hook, repo)
  3. clone the project: git clone git@github.com:YOUR_USERNAME/automation-for-the-people.git
  4. cd into the cloned directory: cd automation-for-the-people/
  5. cd into the infrastructure directory: cd infrastructure/
  6. run: ./init.sh

How it works

This will setup a CodePipeline to:

  • connect to the forked GitHub repository
  • update itself
  • create/update a ElasticBeanstalk application
  • create/update a staging ElasticBeanstalk environment
  • deploy a new application version to the staging environment
  • run infrastructure tests against the staging environment
  • create/update a production ElasticBeanstalk environment
  • deploy a new application version to the production environment


To delete all AWS resources, remove the CloudFormation stacks in the following order:

  1. aftp-prod & aftp-stage
  2. aftp-application
  3. aftp-pipeline