
The app is currently in develop stage!

The idea of this app it to automate all actions which your Android phone should do in a car to help you drive. Running specified apps, playing music, dismissing lock screen are only a few of these funcionalities which it offers.

What if you get in a car with your phone in a pocket (or e.g. a handbag) and you are not going to pull it out from there?

No problem! App will detect your intentions and only music will be played (e.g. from Spotify!). But... What if you change your mind and decide to use your phone to navigate? Just place it in a holder with NFC tag (or with wireless loading option) and it will run suitable mode.

How does the app actually know you are getting into car and starting driving?

It uses Bluetooth to connect your Bluetooth car audio set. It will also use NFC or car holder with wireless charge to know when you place your device in front of your eyes. If your car does not have Bluetooth - don't worry! Mine neither :) You can buy a simple Bluetooth dongle with mini jack output and connect it to your car charger.

It is also possible that in the future app will have a fully-working voice assistant to communicate with driver (reading SMS, making calls, voice commands for navigation etc.).