
choose your servers to deploy via a pretty text menu

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A capistrano plugin which allows you to choose one or more server to deploy via a text menu.

Here's an example:

In you deploy config:

server 'example1.com', user: "#{fetch(:deploy_user)}", roles: %w{web app}
server 'example2.com', user: "#{fetch(:deploy_user)}", roles: %w{web app}

when you run cap deploy or cap deploy:start or other deploy tasks, you will see a menu:

Please choose which server(s) to deploy:
  [1] example1.com
  [2] example2.com
  [3] all (default)
Please enter host_numbers (3):

you can answer with:

  • 1 for choosing server example1.com,
  • 2 for example2.com,
  • 3 or 1,2 for both.


gem install capistrano-hostmenu

or put this in your Gemfile then run bundle install:

gem 'capistrano-hostmenu', require: false

After the gem is installed, put this in your Capfile:

require 'capistrano/hostmenu'

Then you will see host selecting menu any time before deploying.


set these variables in your deploy config (commonly deploy.rb)

set :host_menu_default_selection,         :all # or :first, 1
set :host_menu_prompt_msg,                'Please choose which server(s) to deploy:'.blue
set :host_menu_caption_of_all,            'all'
set :host_menu_caption_of_default,        '(default)'
set :host_menu_invalid_range_msg,         'Please provide a number in (1..%d)'.red
set :host_menu_invalid_multi_choose_msg,  'Do you mean to choose all servers?'.red