Zero dependency library for generating a Mastercard API compliant OAuth signature.
- Ruby 2.4.4+
- Truffle Ruby 1.0.0+
Before using this library, you will need to set up a project in the Mastercard Developers Portal.
As part of this set up, you'll receive credentials for your app:
- A consumer key (displayed on the Mastercard Developer Portal)
- A private request signing key (matching the public certificate displayed on the Mastercard Developer Portal)
gem install mastercard_oauth1_signer
The following code shows how to load the private key using OpenSSL
require 'openssl'
is = File.binread("<insert PKCS#12 key file path>");
signing_key =, "<insert key password>").key;
The method that does all the heavy lifting is Mastercard::OAuth.get_authorization_header
. You can call into it directly and as long as you provide the correct parameters, it will return a string that you can add into your request's Authorization
require 'oauth'
consumer_key = "<insert consumer key>";
uri = "";
method = "POST";
payload = "Hello world!";
authHeader = Mastercard::OAuth.get_authorization_header(uri, method, payload, consumer_key, signing_key);
OpenAPI Generator generates API client libraries from OpenAPI Specs. It provides generators and library templates for supporting multiple languages and frameworks.
Generators currently supported:
Client libraries can be generated using the following command:
openapi-generator-cli generate -i openapi-spec.yaml -g ruby -o out
See also:
The Authorization header can be hooked into before a request run:
config = OpenapiClient::Configuration.default
api_client =
config.basePath = ""
api_client.config = config
Typhoeus.before { |request|
authHeader =
Mastercard::OAuth.get_authorization_header request.base_url, request.options[:method],
request.options[:body], consumer_key, signing_key.key
request.options[:headers] = request.options[:headers].merge({'Authorization' => authHeader})
serviceApi = api_client
opts = {} opts
// …
See also: