
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Web Components

This is where I store my web components.

How it works

In order to create them easily I created a simple transpiler in Bun.

This is how a web component, in this example src/sample-component.html, is defined:

  <div>Hello world!</div>

  export class SampleComponent extends HTMLElement {
    // this property declaration...

    // ... and the constructor calling super()
    // are required for this to work
    constructor() {

  div {
    color: var(--my-color);

  # Sample Component

  Some markdown documentation

  - Neat
  - Clean
  - Simple

  <sample-component style="--my-color: blue"></sample-component>
  <h3>This is plain HTML</h3>
  <sample-component style="--my-color: red"></sample-component>

Which whill generate out/sample-component.js (below) and out/sample-component.html for documentation and manual testing.

export const template = `
  <div>Hello world!</div>

    div {
      color: var(--my-color);

export class SampleComponent extends HTMLElement {

  constructor() {

    // Automatically inserted
    // if this fails ensure #shadowRoot is defined in the class
    this.#shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
    this.#shadowRoot.innerHTML = template;

// Automatically generated from file name
customElements.define('sample-component', SampleComponent);

The script, template, style, docs and test elements are optional and can be defined in any order.

If the script tag is present it should contain a class called as the file (converted from snake-case to PascalCase) in order for the component to work. It should declare a #shadowRoot property that will be used to save the shadow DOM and the call to super() is used to inject the shadow DOM instantiation.


The idea behind this is that someday, when <template shadowrootmode="open"> is supported by browsers (or maybe today with a polyfill) a Server Side Rendering (SSR) or Static Site Generation (SSG) tool could import the const template export and serve pre-filled components' insides.

  <!-- this could be inserted by Vite, Astro, Next.js... -->
  <template shadowrootmode="open">
    <div>Hello world!</div>

      div {
        color: var(--my-color);

That would make the component immediately visible, even for users with disabled Javascript. If the user has Javascript enabled the component will just be hydrated as soon as it's code is executed.

To know more about this approach check this video by Thomas Allmer.

How to run

To install dependencies:

bun install

To transpile:

bun run build

To watch and develop source files

bun dev