Run all tests in the project
docker compose exec web pytest -v
Run tests with reused database (faster)
docker compose exec web pytest -v --reuse-db
Force database recreation
docker compose exec web pytest -v --reuse-db --create-db
Run all tests with coverage report
docker compose exec web pytest -v --cov
Run all tests with detailed HTML coverage report
docker compose exec web pytest -v --cov --cov-report=html
docker compose exec web pytest apps/listings/ -v
docker compose exec web pytest apps/listings/ -m edit_listing -v
docker compose exec web pytest apps/listings/ -v -k "edit" -s
Run specific tests with coverage
docker compose exec web pytest apps/listings/ -v -k "edit" --cov=apps.listings
docker compose exec web pytest apps/listings/ -v -k "TestOrders"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" -f $(pwd)/deployment/id_ed25519