
A simple script that organize files by creating folders with the last modified date and putting the files inside of it.

Primary LanguageShell

Files Organizer

This is a simple script for automatically organize files inside folders using the last modified date as reference. The organization format is YYYY-mm-dd.

How to use it?

Git copy the repository

  git clone https://github.com/amauricoder/files_organizer_sh

Open the terminal in the folder of the repository and change the permissions of the file

As this is a very simple script, you can use 777 as permission. But do what you think its best for you

    chmod 777 organize.sh

Copy the script organize.sh and put it inside the folder with the files that you want to organize

Use the cp with the apropriate paths

    cp ~/files_organizer_sh/organize.sh /path/to/your/files

With the terminal open in the folder containing the files and the script, simply execute the script.


This will create folders with the last modification date as title (format Y-m-d) and automatically put your files inside of it. Note that this will also create a folder for the organize.sh script and move the script to it. Then you can just delete it.


This script has been incredibly valuable to me. It saved me a considerable amount of time of time for organizing personal files, like photographs. I hope this can be useful for someone! Feel free to use and share it with anyone who might find it helpful. Thank you!