A bit about me
Hi, my name is Amaury! I am DevOps Engineer, Lifelong Learner, you can follow me on the web, sometimes I am writing about DevOps on @medium, sometimes talking about Infrastructure as Code around Terraform, GitLab, CI/CD and GitOps. I love DevOps communities, and I have been helping many of them for years now, both as an organizer and Digital Creator. Also, I am enjoy code on GitHub using HCL/YML technologies, check my profile to learn more about how I contribute on open-source projects. Got a project to discuss? Want me to speak at your meetup? Anything else? Let's chat! DM me on Twitter @amaurybsouza_
Latest articles
Below you can check some posts developed by me on Medium, there you can learn more about Ansible, GitLab, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux and more:
- March 29, 2022 - [Trilha CI/CD]: Parte II — Pipeline de IaC com GitLab & Terraform
- March 8, 2022 - [Trilha CI/CD]: Provisionando o GitLab na AWS com Terraform e Ansible
- February 28, 2022 - Boas práticas do Ansible que ninguém te conta e que não existem no Google
- January 13, 2022 - Criando um cluster Kubernetes com Kind
- January 11, 2022 - SRE/DevOps: A STACK para você começar com TUDO em 2022!
- December 26, 2021 - SRE/DevOps 2022: quais serão as tendências do mercado na área?
- December 22, 2021 - Terraform import: uma ferramenta que o DevOps Engineer ama demais
- November 28. 2021 - Como eu contribuo com projetos Open-Source de DevOps no Github
- November 12, 2021 - (IaC) Parte 6: Provisionando um DigitalOcean Droplet com Terraform
- November 7, 2022 - Conheça 5 livros sobre a cultura DevOps que todo entusiasta precisa ler
Recent Open Source projects
I have several of my personal projects on Github, approaching different topics, including Linux, Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes, Docker and other tools around Infrastructure as Code (IaC), containers and automation:
- terraform-import-aws-s3 - Terraform import command to deploy an AWS S3 Bucket.
- terraform-aws-ec2-ansible-deploy - Deploying a Docker using Terraform and Ansible together.
- terraform-local-exec-outputting - How you can use the local and output features on Terraform.
- terraform-module-aws-ec2 - Terraform best practices like variables and modules.
- devops cheatsheet - Most commonly and used commands for easy reference around DevOps tools
- devops exercises - DevOps interview questions about several tools
- zabbix-otrs-integrating - Integrate OTRS 6 (Ticket Management) with Zabbix
- terraform-digitalocean-dropletPublic - Deploying a DigitalOcean Droplet using Terraform
- iac-practice - Terraform + Ansible to provision an EC2 on AWS Cloud and install Docker.
- terraform-aws-s3 - Provisioning a S3 Bucket on AWS Cloud using the best practices of Terraform.
I have participated in some events and meetups related to DevOps like, SRE Brasil, #FiqueEmCasaConf, KCD Brazil, DevOps Days, Kubicast and much more. Below you can check some events around SRE/DevOps:
- 02/2022: Qual o significado de SRE em 2022?
- 01/2022: Carreira na Cloud, por onde eu começo?
- 01/2022: KCD Brasil
- 11/2021: Bem vindo ao Hands-On Especial Ansible
- 09/2021: Mesa DevOps - Como começar com containers
- 09/2021: Como gerenciar código com Git
- 07/2021: SRE e DevOps no mundo real na Stone Pagamentos
- 10/2020: Evolução da Carreira de SysAdmin
- 04/2020: Rafael Gomex - Melhores práticas para seu pipeline de Infra as Code #FiqueEmCasaConf
- 04/2020: Fernando Ike - DevOps é Cultura ou Ferramenta? #FiqueEmCasaConf
- 04/2020: Lucas de Souza - Terraform além do básico #FiqueEmCasaConf
Latest DevOps courses
I did many DevOps courses during my carreer on several platforms like, Udemy, LinuxTips, Alura, Linkedin Learning. Below you can check some certificates about SRE/DevOps:
- 02/2022 - DevOps , CI/CD(Continuous Integration/Delivery for Beginners
- 02/2022 - Automation with Ansible Playbooks - Hands-on!
- 02/2022 - Docker para Desenvolvedores (com Docker Swarm e Kubernetes)
- 02/2022 - DevOps: AWS com Terraform Automatizando sua infraestrutura
- 01/2022 - Escalando uma aplicação na AWS passo a passo
- 01/2022 - AWS para administradores de sistemas e profissionais de TI
- 12/2021 - AWS essencial com Terraform e Spring Boot
- 12/2021 - Ansible for the Absolute Beginner - Hands-On - DevOps
- 12/2021 - HashiCorp Terraform na Prática com Digital Ocean [v0.15.0]
- 11/2021 - Git and Github Essential for Developers"
IT community contributions
I have developed several articles and Shell Scripts for Linux community on Viva o Linux. Feel free to comment or replying me on those automations at Linux forum:
- 06/2020 - Backup de diretórios do sistema Linux
- 05/2020 - Gerenciamento com firewalld no CentOS 7
- 09/2020 - Trilha Filesystems Linux - Operação de Sistemas de Arquivos
- 09/2019 - Principais Comandos de Gestão e Prioridade de Processos no Linux
- 09/2019 - Instalação do LAMP no Linux Ubuntu
- 09/2019 - Gerenciamento de software e hardware de desktop
- 11/2018 - Sistema de gerenciamento de logs do Linux
- 11/2018 - Gerenciamento de pacotes Debian - principais comandos LPIC-1
- 11/2018 - Gerenciamento de usuários e grupos no Linux - LPIC-102
Previous work
Previously, I worked at IBM as a Linux Administrator, improving the infrastructure and services for our customers by using advanced DevOps tools, setting up infrastructure tools (i.e. Ansible, Satellite, Linux, Shell Scrupt), creating and maintaining IT documentation and other assets.
Also, in the past experiences, I have installed and configured the Zabbix and Grafana to monitoring the infrastructure, I have created several scripts (Bash) to automate the routine in the PROD/TEST servers, and I have worked with network team to ensure the network environment (datacenter) is working fine.
During my time at IBM, I have started and shipped some projects like:
- SBC (Secure Baseline Configuration on Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers).
- Centrify Upgrade (Updating the Centrify Agent using Ansible Playbooks).
- Automate several procedures using Ansible (Confguration as Code).
- Perform the automation of filesystem /var and /var/log
Best way to get a hold of me is to message me on Linkedin. If that doesn't work out, email me at address amauryborgesouza@gmail.com.
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