React Native/Redux App - Flashcards

Allow you to set up your flashcards and keep learning everyday

How to install

In your Terminal(mac)/Command Line(Windows), enter the commands below

$ git clone

$ cd react-native-flashcards

$ yarn install

$ yarn start OR $ expo start

How to run

You need an simulator or a mobile device to run this app. The easiest way is to install Expo App on your mobile device then link to the app

Expo on App Store - iOS

Expo on Google Play - android

How the app looks like

  • Decks (Initial view of the app)

screen shots

Will show 2 default Decks
  • New Deck

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  • New Card

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  • Start a quiz

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Show quiz question

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Show quiz answer

  • Show the score

screen shots

Dev Tests

I have tested all functions through iOS/android simulator and my iPhone 7. Everything is working fine.