We assume you have Pygmy running locally - see https://github.com/pygmystack/pygmy
- Ensure Pygmy is running (pygmy up)
- git clone git@github.com:amazeeio-demos/demo-craft-simple.git
- cp .env.local.example .env.local
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose run cli bash
In the container running BASH
- composer install
Exit the container
- exit (to log out of the container)
Start up the containers locally
- docker-compose up
Jump back into the container running BASH
- docker-compose run cli bash
To setup a new DB and Craft (run in the container)
- ./craft install (if this is a new installation, not copying an existing DB or something)
To copy the DB and files from the demo project in lagoon (run in the container)
- lagoon-sync sync mariadb -e main
- lagoon-sync sync files -e main
Exit the container
- exit
Locally now
Demo project lives at https://dashboard.amazeeio.cloud/projects/demo-craft-simple
The production URL is: https://nginx.main.demo-craft-simple.us2.amazee.io/