
A github action to retag upstream builder images for amazee.io-managed clusters

Lagoon build-deploy-image retagger

With the rapid pace of development in Lagoon, we have observed that the tagged release of Lagoon will cause an updated uselagoon/kubectl-build-deploy:latest to be published. As this image is referenced in all of our remote-controllers, we want to avoid any inadvertent releases of functionality that may not be available on the production amazee.io clusters.

To alleviate this issue, we specify an overrideBuildDeployImage in the lagoon-build-deploy installs (as per https://github.com/uselagoon/lagoon-charts/blob/main/charts/lagoon-build-deploy/values.yaml#L85) like so

overrideBuildDeployImage: docker.io/amazeeio/build-deploy-image:production

We recommend cloning this repo yourself, to put yourself in control of ensuring the tag used for deploying builds matches the Lagoon version run in your cluster.

This Repository runs a Github Action on a push to the main branch (straight push, no PR needed). It uses built-in variables to determine where it is being run (and hence where it should push to), and requires secrets for the dockerhub push (if required)

It performs:

  1. A docker pull of the upstream image and tag specified as envs in the workflow
  2. The creation of a pair of new tags :production and a tag to match the upstream version
  3. A push of the same image digest from upstream to the following images
  • docker.io/amazeeio/build-deploy-image:production
  • ghcr.io/amazeeio/build-deploy-image:production
  • docker.io/amazeeio/build-deploy-image:{upstreamTag}
  • ghcr.io/amazeeio/build-deploy-image:{upstreamTag}