
To convert propositional formula onto its equivalent CNF form

Primary LanguagePython


# Name:        CNF_converter
# Purpose:     To convert propositional formula onto its equivalent CNF form
# Author:      Wenjun Liao
# Python:      Version 2.7
# Created:     15/10/2017
# Tutor:       Professor Wamberto Vasconcelos
# Reference:   Vivek, "Github," 5 May 2015 . [Online].
#              Available: https://github.com/Vivek-100/CNF_Converter.
#              [Accessed 12 10 2017].

Instructions on how to run the code:

  1. The code is written in Python version 2.7. It is ideally to run the code under a Python GUL which is compatible with Python version 2.7, for example PyScripter for Python 2.7 (This tool exits in the University of Aberdeen IT toolkit.)
  2. Several tested propositional formulas are given at the end of the programming. By deleting the symbol # in the very front, the user is able to test the specific propositional formula.
  3. However, one could also input the customized testing sentence by following the format as: end=convert_to_cnf('your customized input') Where your customized input should follow the Python_style rules. By running the Python GUL, the converted CNF will display in the Python Interpreter window directly

More information please refer to the pdf file.