
Provide option for daemon on Windows 7

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Windows 7 Issue

If you could provide a flag/option on the build to point the daemon at a different port, this would resolve the issue.

When DockerToolbox installs, it points the daemon to 2376 on Windows 7. Windows 10 (Docker desktop) provides an option to bind to port 2375.

Expected output

Lambda layer deployed to AWS

Actual output

2019/06/21 16:36:55 Parsing the image docker-daemon:af:latest 2019/06/21 16:36:55 Error loading image from docker engine: error during connect: Get https://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.22/images/get?names=af%3Alatest: dial tcp: lookup //./pipe/docker_engine: no such host

It will already respect the value of DOCKER_HOST environment variable being set to "tcp://" or "tcp://localhost:2375". Can you test that?