The AWS Lambda container image converter tool (img2lambda) repackages container images (such as Docker images) into AWS Lambda function deployment packages and Lambda layers.
- 2
Permission error when running script
#47 opened by AntonOellerer - 0
Size error when creating large layers
#60 opened by tobilg - 1
Add python3.8 as a valid runtime
#86 opened by rostandkenne - 2
help with installation
#69 opened by huemansdesign - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
Layer creation error
#48 opened by AntonOellerer - 3
libraries under /opt are not detected
#12 opened by bciceron - 5
- 1
Example Error: No file found in the package path you provided.
#43 opened by YuK1Game - 3
Error loading image from docker engine: error during connect: (Windows 10 Pro)
#42 opened by YuK1Game - 8
- 0
Adding support for node 10.x
#36 opened by dbramwell - 1
Provide option for daemon on Windows 7
#26 opened by aibot221 - 0
Feature: Support OCI images
#1 opened by clareliguori - 3
Bug: no relevant files found
#25 opened by mosesliao - 4
SAM Deployment?
#15 opened by j - 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
Feature: Support AWS Batch
#13 opened by chadbrewbaker - 2
- 7
fail to run in wsl
#7 opened by riponbanik - 1
- 0
Feature: De-dupe Lambda layers
#3 opened by clareliguori