
Permission error when running script

AntonOellerer opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey, I am trying to run your script on a container, but I get the permisison error

2019/11/28 12:49:46 error creating temp directory: error untarring file "/var/tmp/oci121211700": lchown /var/tmp/oci121211700/blobs: operation not permitted

Is there a simple way to solve this except for running the script as super user?

What are the permissions for your /var/tmp? Usually that directory is writable by all users

$ ls -al /var/tmp/
total 40
drwxrwxrwt 10 root root 4096 Nov 28 14:35 .

It is

$ ls -al /var/tmp
drwxrwxrwt. 68 root      root      4,0K  3. Dez 10:44 ./