CLI experience for Frontend developers in the JavaScript ecosystem.
- 0
- 8
AWS mobile push failed
#101 opened by nawwa - 25
error when i do awsmobile pull
#123 opened by stevemao - 11
Managing multiple environments within awsmobile
#114 opened by oluomoniyi - 4
cloud-api "Restrict API access to signed-in users=No" does not reflect on API Getaway
#54 opened by yuyokk - 4
awsmobile pull returns "you are not working inside a valid awsmobilejs project"
#128 opened by thelinuxkid - 8
Better support/Best practices for adding /awsmobilejs/backend/ to version control
#108 opened by SeanBannister - 2
CLI use behind proxy
#125 opened by rdingwell - 6
Run backend locally?
#134 opened by thelinuxkid - 3
Configuration conflicts in versioning
#69 opened by superandrew - 8
awsmobile user-signin enable --prompt doesn't allow creation of standard attributes
#68 opened by Gribbs - 3
Document orphaned resources, or allow removal?
#104 opened by SeanBannister - 4
Issue while trying to configure the database
#129 opened by codeyogi911 - 3
- 7
- 4
- 2
Parallel development for backend
#135 opened by thelinuxkid - 1
Switch Ionic app to use a different Mobile Hub project?
#131 opened by ryaa - 3
AppSync support is welcome but incomplete
#105 opened by ceich - 3
Fresh `awsmobile start test-project react-native` creates a project with failing tests
#132 opened by dcgudeman - 2
- 2
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header issue
#127 opened by funkfinger - 6
Cross-Account ( profile ) Support - Duplicate
#126 opened by LXensen - 5
- 1
Document non-interactive configure command
#97 opened by mbfisher - 2
- 2
Error when running awsmobile init
#120 opened by benholtz - 7
Error when running awsmobile init
#77 opened by jerwallace - 3
Cross-Account ( profile ) Support
#113 opened by LXensen - 3
awsmobile configure -> Error: The header content contains invalid characters
#117 opened by utterly-calm - 1
awsmobile publish stops with combination of manually created API and CLI created API
#99 opened by LXensen - 8
- 1
awsmobile init crashes with "Unexpected token function" in "\node_modules\awsmobile-cli\lib\init-steps\s2-choose-strategy.js:104"
#109 opened by ankitmhn - 8
cloud-api creation taking longer than expected...
#107 opened by michaelcuneo - 1
awsmobile user-signin enable --prompt advance settings option does not set the mfa-configuration in mobile-hub-project.yml file
#91 opened by SagarMhatre - 3
- 2
Not authorized to perform sts:AssumeRole
#96 opened by leonardosul - 2
syntax error in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/awsmobile-cli/lib/init-steps/s2-choose-strategy.js:104
#71 opened by radetsky - 1
gitignore list
#88 opened by rdingwell - 2
awsmobile init results in an ENOENT error
#85 opened by Devashish007 - 3
Increase Lambda execution timeout by default
#53 opened by yuyokk - 1
pull doen't get stage information from api gateway
#82 opened by ahahn - 2
awsmobile init is failing same issue as #77
#81 opened by kravenoff42 - 4
The 'you are not working inside a valid awsmobilejs project' error occurs after a pull from git
#83 opened by shurmanidze - 2
aws-exports.js should be in gitignore
#63 opened by ceich - 4
Which files should be in .gitignore?
#66 opened by ildar-icoosoft - 4
IAM security status and awsmobile-cli
#55 opened by jonsmirl - 4
Unable to start react demo
#62 opened by teddarling - 2
- 2
awsmobile configure crashes on second run
#60 opened by zefre