
Repoformer: Selective Retrieval for Repository-Level Code Completion (ICML 2024)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository contains the data and inference code of the ICML 2024 paper "Repoformer: Selective Retrieval for Repository-Level Code Completion."

Work done by Di Wu, Wasi Uddin Ahmad, Dejiao Zhang, Murali Krishna Ramanathan, Xiaofei Ma.


  • Install all dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Build tree sitter: bash scripts/build_treesitter.sh
  • Prepare RepoEval data:
    • cd repo_eval/data
    • bash download.sh
    • bash prepare.sh
    • cd ../cfc_retrieval
    • bash run.sh (Use Jaccard similarity by default. Uncomment the other lines to use other retrievers.)
  • Prepare CrossCodeEval data:
    • cd cceval/data
    • bash prepare_data.sh

Training data creation

We start from preprocessed repositories from the stack. To reproduce our data creation strategy, you can prepare the repositories in the following format:

    "repo_name": "...",
    "stars_count": 100,
    "files": [
            "filepath": "...",
            "content": "",
            "metadata": {
                "size": 100,
                "lang": "Python",
                "ext": "py",
                "hexsha": "...",
                "avg_line_length": 22,
                "max_line_length": 47,
                "line_count": 19,
                "non_empty_line_count": 16,
                "imports": [
                    "..."   # all import names
                "local_imports": [
                    "..."   # local import names
        ...  # one entry per file
     "repo_size": {
        "number_of_files": 30,
        "lines_of_code": 900

Starting from the raw file raw.jsonl, the data sampling algorithm contains three steps: blank sampling, RAG simulation, and data merging.

Step 1: blank sampling

cd finetuning/data_creation/

# for creating chunk completion data
python 1_create_chunk.py --lang [python/java/csharp/javascript] --input_json raw.jsonl --poisson_lambda 3.0 --num_processes 20 --cluster_ratio 0.1 --shard_size 500 [--oracle_in_query]

# for creating function completion data
python 1_create_function.py --lang [python/java/csharp/javascript] --input_json raw.jsonl --poisson_lambda 3.0 --num_processes 20 --cluster_ratio 0.1 --shard_size 500 [--oracle_in_query]

Note that the --oracle_in_query flag uses the target line for retrieving the relevant contexts. In the paper, half of the data is created with --oracle_in_query and half is created without it. We output data in shards to make downstream processing easier. The --shard_size parameter controls the size of each shard.

Step 2: RAG simulation

Suppose the previous step's outputs are named as chunk_shardx/sample_for_completion.jsonl and function_shardx/sample_for_completion.jsonl. To obtain the label for Repoformer, we run inference twice: once with the retrieved context and once without.

cd finetuning/data_creation/2_labeling

# for labeling the chunk completion data
bash run_chunk_lrcontext.sh starcoderbase-1b chunk_shardx/ 
bash run_chunk_rcfcl_rg1.sh starcoderbase-1b chunk_shardx/

# for labeling the function completion data
bash run_function_lrcontext.sh starcoderbase-1b function_shardx/ 
bash run_function_rcfcl_rg1.sh starcoderbase-1b function_shardx/

Step 3: data merging

After step 2, the model outputs and scores should be stored in chunk_shardx/logs and function_shardx/logs . You can run the following command to get the final data.

# For generating the final chunk completion data. Function completion data is similar.

python 3_generate_labelled_data.py --raw_file chunk_shardx/sample_for_completion.jsonl --baseline_scores_file chunk_shardx/logs/lrcontext/starcoderbase-1b/detailed_results.json --rg1_scores_file chunk_shardx/logs/rcfcl_rg1/sparse/starcoderbase-1b/detailed_results.json --output_file chunk_shardx/data_labelled.jsonl --generation_model starcoderbase-1b 

Training Repoformer

Our training code is based on ContraCLM.

Step 1: tokenization

We tokenize the data into arrow format datasets. To run the code, move the files from step 3 into a separate folder and provide its path in finetuning/preprocess/run_preprocess_repoformer_cfcinrc.sh. Then, run the following command:

cd finetuning/preprocess
bash run_preprocess_repoformer_cfcinrc.sh

Note that in this repo, <end_rc> corresponds to the <eof> token in the paper, and <cfc_info> corresponds to <cc>. Repoformer only need to add these two special tokens.

Step 2: running training

Before running the script, make sure to update finetuning/runscripts/run_repoformer_final_setting.sh with your preprocessed data path.

cd finetuning/
bash runscripts/run_repoformer_final_setting.sh

Step 3: checkpoint postprocessing

After training, the deepspeed checkpoint will be stored in the last.ckpt folder. You can get the checkpoint in huggingface format with the following steps:

  • cd /path/to/last.ckpt/
  • python zero_to_fp32.py . pytorch_model.bin.original
  • Update finetuning/evaluation/process_checkpoint_state_dict.py to point to the StarCoder model with the correct size.
  • python finetuning/evaluation/process_checkpoint_state_dict.py /path/to/last.ckpt/



We release the newly created CrossCodeLongEval benchmark under the folder crosscodelongeval. You may run the process_data.sh to preprocess the data. In addition, we release the code to download and use Repoeval/CrossCodeEval in the folders repo_eval and cceval.


To get the results of the baselines with or without repository-level retrieval, we recommend using the run_fim_hf.sh in the repo_eval and cceval folder. Sample command:

bash run_fim_hf.sh model exp retriever
  • model: We support starcoderbase-1b/3b/7b and starcoder. You can easily evaluate on other code LMs you like by changing the model name. Note that if the LM does not perform fill-in-the-middle generation, the --use_fim_prompt flag needs to be dropped.
  • exp: the prompting strategy. There are four possible settings. lrcontext and rcfcl_rg1 are the two settings used in the Repoformer paper.
    • baseline: left context only.
    • lrcontext: left context + right context.
    • rg1: left context + retrieved cross-file context.
    • rcfcl_rg1: left context + right context + retrieved cross-file context.
  • retriever:
    • For RepoEval, we support sparse (Jaccard similarity) and unixcoder.
    • For CCEval and CrossCodeLongEval, we support bm25, openai_cosine_sim, and unixcoder_cosine_sim.

We also support vllm for inference. For vllm, you would need torch 2.x. The other requirements are the same as in requirements.txt.


After converting the checkpoint, you can run the evaluation directly using the followng commands.

cd finetuning/evaluation

# evaluate on RepoEval
bash run_repoeval.sh

# evaluate on CCEval
bash run_cceval.sh