CrossCodeEval: A Diverse and Multilingual Benchmark for Cross-File Code Completion (NeurIPS 2023)
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Do you have a C++ testing set?
#23 opened by czq99972 - 2
Where is the code for static analysis?
#22 opened by ramsey-coding - 1
How do I specify different Settings in the code generation script? baseline, retrieval, retrieval w/ ref
#21 opened by kartikzheng - 1 is the email for getting raw repo data?
#19 opened by yiyepiaoling0715 - 1
Tokenizer used for BM25
#18 opened by AaboutL - 3
Retriever performance evaluation
#14 opened by bsobolev - 11
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It seems only python tree-sitter is used.
#12 opened by starlitsky2010 - 9
I can't reproduce the benchmark results in the paper for the model codegen-350
#10 opened by starlitsky2010 - 4
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Raw code projects of the curated data
#8 opened by ganler - 1
Supporting deepseek coder
#11 opened by ganler - 1
how to implement the RG approach?
#3 opened by 18liumin