
VisualStudio running under Wine inside of docker on VMware hosted on your Mac over X11

Primary LanguagePython



Why run Microsoft's compiler inside a docker container running Wine? So you can get rid of your Windows build workers, and live in operational bliss. No more patch tuesdays, or daily reboots via Adobe PDF reader.


We're running Ubuntu 14.04 with the latest Wine (1.7) installed. On top of this we use Microsoft's amazing standalone compiler package (the best kept secret ever!) VCForPython27.msi. This was specifically built to let you compile Python pip package, but obviously it can compile anything.


If you're running from a Docker Hub build, you need to supply your Github username so the container can retrieve your pubkeys. Also you will need to map a port to 22 for ssh. Once the image is pulled and running, you can ssh into the container (make sure to forward X11 via -X).

docker run --name wine -d -p 2222:22 -e GH_USER=ambakshi ambakshi/wine-x11-vcpython27
ssh -X -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 2222 dev@c7-titan

OSX USERS: You will need to install X11 XQuartz .


The first time you ssh into the container, you have to run /usr/bin/vcinstall.sh to set up your ~/.wine directory and run the actual installer. I tried to automate this via the Dockerfile or on first login, but wine's setup somehow gets messed up and cl.exe refuses to run properly. Make sure you have X11 forwarding working (see below), then run:

[dev@wine] $ /usr/bin/vcinstall.sh

After that you can run docker save so you don't have to keep doing it, or better yet make /home/dev/.wine a docker volume.

Try it

Try compiling something.

[dev@wine] $ echo '#include <windows.h>' > a.c
[dev@wine] $ echo 'int main() { printf("hello world\n"); return 0; }' >> a.c
[dev@wine] $ cl a.c
[dev@wine] $ wine a.exe
hello world

X11 forwarding

The run target forwards your Xsession to the container. You shouldn't need to do anything extra for this to work if you have DOCKER_HOST set. If you don't have it set, you'll need to specify HOST=your-docker-host. To test your X11 setup, you can try running xeyes:

$ make HOST=c6 xeyes


The container has some scripts in your ~dev/bin that wrapper the various executable like ~dev/bin/cl. You can call these directly from anywhere on your system. The wrapper script /usr/bin/vcwrap.sh ensures everything's set up right.

The default user (dev) has password-less sudo, and all the PAM session annoyances when trying to use a container without a proper tty have been taken care of. By default the container runs /sshd.sh which grabs your public keys from Github or Launchpad before running sshd in foreground mode. This is encapsulated via make with the run target.

$ make build
$ make GH_USER=ambakshi HOST=c6 run
Amit Bakshi, Jan/2015