
The Aggregator is implemented in python using Faust, a python stream processing library. The Aggregator is based on the ideas of Kafka streams. Even though Faust is built for stream processing, it is designed for more manageable and smaller tasks. However, Faust is well integrated into Kafka and allows an easy setup for asynchronous multiprocessing, event-driven processing as well as time-driven processing. Processing is achieved through agents which can run defined by CRON Syntax, allowing the scheduling to be in line with the InfluxDB.

This Component is the primary ingesting source to the InfluxDB and is responsible for the initial setup of the InfluxDB. All needed buckets, as well as the needed tasks, need to be created. The Aggregator uses a key supplied by the environment and used by the InfluxDB to allow access. The Kafka connection consumes new processed discussion events and writes their relevant data into the InfluxDB. Since the writing rate is relatively low, the data is written synchronously as soon as possible. To ensure the writing succeeds even if their network issues or the InfluxDB is temporarily unavailable, retries are set up in case of failure.

The main task of the Aggregator is the trend calculation. Its setup is together with the InfluxDB needed to ensure correct trending calculations and schedules. All trend calculations are run as CRON agents, meaning they will always run at a specific time. The times are coordinated with the InfluxDB tasks. An overview of all tasks and their running time can be seen in Figure [1]. Compared to timer agents, this allows restarts without resetting the timer and keeping the calculation at regular intervals. Running multiple trending queries on the InfluxDB increases the system requirements to ensure timely calculations before running out of time, resulting in read time-outs. Further, it allows optimization at which time what trend is calculated to avoid collisions of the calculations. A queue is used to avoid such collisions and ensure the calculations are not run directly. Instead, all calculations run sequential, reducing the load on the database. Trends are always started with an offset similar to the long-running task setup in InfluxDB, ensuring better resource management.

cron_influx_heatmap [1]: Heatmap Cron Jobs InfluxDB/Trend Calculation

Before the trends are calculated, the influx is queried to retrieve only publications that have enough events. A minimum of events needs to exist to be considered helpful to the trend calculation. The minimum significantly reduces the series cardinality and ensures that prediction and trend algorithms have enough valid data to produce sensible results. Using these DOIs first, a query run in the influx calculates most of the trending values. After that, it retrieves needed data to calculate the Theil-sen’s Slope Estimator value using pyMannKendall . To reduce the load on the influx and reduce single query times, the DOIs are split in a list of 200, ensuring the cardinality stays low and the system load relatively low. The added overhead timewise due to multiple requests is not relevant.

The InfluxDB does most of our calculations, reducing the need to transfer data and allowing an optimal and efficient calculation. These calculations are split into two categories. One uses windowed data meaning aggregating multiple events within a time window, the durations of which can be seen in Table [[tab:aggregator_scores]][1]. If no events are available, a 0 window is created to ensure evenly spaced data needed for Holt Winter’s prediction and moving averages. The other categories used the event data directly to calculate the mean values and the trending score, the sum of all exponentially weighted scores of a publication, with each weighted score defined as:


Where time is a timestamp in nanoseconds and gravity is a negative value selected for a duration of trend calculation. The negative gravities used ensure a that newer events, with less time differences, will be exponentially higher weighted than older and are defined as seen in Table [1]. Depending on the gravity, the time duration most relevant can be adjusted. However, all events will always be used to calculate the score, since the weight is always bigger than 0.

Duration Gravity Window Duration
6 Hours -0.00036 6 Minutes
24 Hours -0.000025 24 Minutes
7 Days -0.00000357142857 168 Minutes
30 Days -0.000000833333333 12 Hours
365 Days -0.000000833333333 146 Hours

Trending Score Configuration Values

Once all trends are calculated, all old trending rows are removed from the PostgreSQL. Then the new ones are stored. Additionally, calculation results are stored with the time the calculation occurred that allows analyzing the development of trends over a period of time. Finally, new trends wilt trigger an update to refresh the materialized view of trending COVID-19 papers. Lastly, the Aggregator uses an agent to retrieve the top three relevant publications every morning, with COVID-19 as a top entity. The tweet content is generated by mixing fixed strings and the publication data. The title of the publications is shortened to follow tweet restrictions. A URL to the corresponding web page is added too. The tweet is then sent to the Twitter API using the bot credentials read from the environment.