
Testing the Elixir Crawly framework for crawling the ORS.

Primary LanguageElixir

Oregon Revised Statutes Crawler

Using the Crawly framework to parse the Oregon Revised Statutes ("ORS") into well formed JSON.

The output contains one line per statute object:

{"number":"1","name":"Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure","kind":"volume","chapter_range":["1","55"]}
{"number":"2","name":"Business Organizations, Commercial Code","kind":"volume","chapter_range":["56","88"]}
{"number":"3","name":"Landlord-Tenant, Domestic Relations, Probate","kind":"volume","chapter_range":["90","130"]}


We've made the data from the last run available here: https://github.com/public-law/datasets/blob/master/UnitedStates/Oregon/ors.jsonl

To run the spider

iex -S mix run -e "Crawly.Engine.start_spider(Spider)"