
Implementation of Decision tree as a predictive(supervised) learning model. The implementation uses ID3 algorithm and also the Information Gain Heuristic and Variance Impurity Heuristic.

Primary LanguageJava


Implement the decision tree learning algorithm using Information gain heuristic and Variance impurity heuristic

Instructions to execute:

  1. make (This will compile the program)
  2. java ProgramDT training-set validation-set test-set to-print (This will generate both the inorder and out-of-order output_file)
  3. make clean (Optional : This will clean compiled .class files)

Output of the program:

  1. if is 'yes' then Program will print Trees using both Heuristic and respective accuracies
  2. if is 'no' then Program will print accuracies of DT for both Heuristics