CF Lab 07: NodeJS & NPM

Code Wars Challenge

Complete today's Kata and follow the submission instructions from Lab 01.

Lab 07 Submission Instructions

Follow the submission instructions from Lab 01.


Node JS Docs


Express JS Docs


Your repository must include:

  ├── .eslintrc.json
  ├── .gitignore
  ├── node_modules
  ├── package-lock.json
  ├── package.json
  ├── public
  │   ├── data
  │   │   └── hackerIpsum.json
  │   ├── index.html
  │   ├── new.html
  │   ├── scripts
  │   │   ├── article.js
  │   │   └── articleView.js
  │   ├── styles
  │   │   ├── base.css
  │   │   ├── layout.css
  │   │   └── modules.css
  │   └── vendor
  │       ├── scripts
  │       │   └── highlight.pack.js
  │       └── styles
  │           ├── fonts
  │           │   ├── icomoon.eot
  │           │   ├── icomoon.svg
  │           │   ├── icomoon.ttf
  │           │   └── icomoon.woff
  │           ├── default.css
  │           ├── icons.css
  │           ├── normalize.css
  │           └── railscasts.css
  └── server.js

User Stories and Feature Tasks

As a user, I want to be able to create new articles and allow guests to retrieve those new articles.

  • Initialize the project with npm init, which creates package.json and package-lock.json files. Don't forget to add node_modules to your .gitignore file!
  • Use NPM to install ExpressJS and ensure that it's been saved as a dependency in the package.json file.

As a developer, I want to use the ExpressJS framework to set up a server file to handle HTTP requests and deliver responses.

  • Instantiate the ExpressJS framework and configure the app.use() middleware to interface with the file system to serve static resources. Include a comment to explain why our files are in a "public" directory now and how ExpressJS serves our local files.
  • Ensure that the server is listening for incoming requests. Include a message to let you know on which port your server is running.
  • Run the server using node server and ensure that your app functions correctly. If you'd like to have your code live re-load the way that live-server did, install the NPM package nodemon and use that to run your server.

As a user, I want to access the form directly so I can easily add new articles.

  • Create a route and callback that will serve up the new.html page via a separate URI.
  • As you write your code, use arrow functions and refactor any existing methods to use arrow functions, where possible.

As a user, I want feedback if I have made an error so that I can make sure to always access the correct URL.

  • Create a 404 route to handle any requests other than index.html or new.html, and deliver a 404 status and a message to those invalid requests.


Your must include:

# Project Name

**Author**: Your Name Goes Here
**Version**: 1.0.0 (increment the patch/fix version number up if you make more commits past your first submission)

## Overview
<!-- Provide a high level overview of what this application is and why you are building it, beyond the fact that it's an assignment for a Code Fellows 301 class. (i.e. What's your problem domain?) -->

## Getting Started
<!-- What are the steps that a user must take in order to build this app on their own machine and get it running? -->

## Architecture
<!-- Provide a detailed description of the application design. What technologies (languages, libraries, etc) you're using, and any other relevant design information. -->

## Change Log
<!-- Use this are to document the iterative changes made to your application as each feature is successfully implemented. Use time stamps. Here's an examples:

01-01-2001 4:59pm - Application now has a fully-functional express server, with GET and POST routes for the book resource.

## Credits and Collaborations
<!-- Give credit (and a link) to other people or resources that helped you build this application. -->