##Table of Contents
- "Alicia Lycan" https://github.com/alicialycan
- "Amber Kim" https://github.com/amgranad
- "Chris Lesesne" https://github.com/clesesne3
- "Devin Cunningham" https://github.com/DevinTyler26
- "Eric Cobb" https://github.com/sonsofdesert
- Front-end: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3
Welcome to the homepage where the user can access a full menu of options. Upon successfully clicking the button, the user will be redirected to the Quote page.
The user can scroll to the bottom of the page to click the button to start their quote.
The user can fill the form with their personal information.
The user can fill the form with their project information.
The user can view their individualized project proposal.
To move forward with the project, click the user can click the button at the bottom of the proposal to be directed to the contact page.
If the user wants to restore their previous quote session, they can click the Restore Previous Session link.
To reset the previous session information, click the Reset Previous Session link.
InvoQuote. A web app for freelancers & agencies
Time consuming process for getting online cost of website design ('InvoQuote')
- Time
- Online Access
- Transparency between client & us
- personalized
- 'For freelancers... by Freelancers'
- Form will be a "get to know you" conversation more than a survey
#Special Thanks to
- Jonathan Suh for the cool hamburger animation
- Nicolas Gallagher for normalize.css