
Spree Interface for TaxCloud SOAP API

Primary LanguageRuby

Spree TaxCloud SOAP API

USA Tax calculation extension for Spree using Tax Cloud service .

Based on the work of Chris Mar and Drew Tempelmeyer.


Create an account with TaxCloud:


…and get an api_login_id and api_key.

Run below to install migrations:

bundle exec rake spree_tax_cloud:install:migrations


bundle exec rake db:migrate

Create the following file:


…and config your api_login_id and api_key:

Spree::AppConfiguration.class_eval do
  preference :preferred_tax_cloud_api_login_id, :string, :default => 'Your_Login' 
  preference :preferred_tax_cloud_api_key, :string, :default => 'Your_API_Key'  
  preference :preferred_tax_cloud_origin, :string, :default => { 'Address1' =>  "Your_Street" ,

‘Address2’ => nil ,

‘City’ => “Your_City”,

‘State’ => “Your_State”,

‘Zip5’ => “Your_State” ,

‘Zip4’ => nil }.to_json

 preference :preferred_tax_cloud_product_tic, :string, :default => 'Your_product_tic'
 preference :preferred_tax_cloud_shipping_tic, :string, :default => 'Your_shipping_tic'



At this time there is a known error that happenes if the checkout process is abandoned and then returned to. The tax amount does not get updated if a product is deleted or added to the cart. We are working on this issue and any suggestions appreciated.

Note: at this time spree_tax_cloud does not handle multiple tax category tic’s

Spree Tax Cloud Copyright © by Jerrold R Thompson (@whidbey) released under the ‘new’ BSD license.