
BuckleScript bindings for AWS AppSync client library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


BuckleScript bindings for AWS AppSync client library (work in progress)

Trying out

While work in progress, this package is available at Github Package Registry

To use the GPR, change the registry for the @amblientlight scope before installing, in your project directory, run:

echo "@ambientlight:registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com" >> .npmrc
yarn install @ambientlight/bs-aws-appsync
# if yarn fails with integrity failure, manually add depedency to package.json and run the following
yarn --update-checksums

Also add to your package.json to lock on correct apollo-client dependency otherwise you may hit currentObservable.query.getCurrentResult is not a function, this will only work with yarn though.

"resolutions": {
  "apollo-client": "2.6.3"

Then add @ambientlight/bs-aws-appsync into bs-dependencies in your project bsconfig.json.

Example usage with bs-aws-amplify(with cognito-identity-pool auth)

  1. refer to bs-aws-amplify installation.
  2. make sure AWSExports.re is available that binds aws-exports.js that is generated during amplify init or amplify configure
open AWSAppSync;
open AWSAmplify;

/** AWSAmplify has to be configured prior */
// Amplify.amplify |. Amplify.configure(AWSExports.config);

let auth = AWSAppSyncClient.auth(
  ~_type=AWSExports.config |. AWSExports.aws_appsync_authenticationTypeGet,
  ~jwtToken=() => 
    /**uncomment and fill creds if no cognito authentification in place */
    // Auth.signIn(~username="", ~password="") |> Js.Promise.then_(_signIn => Auth.auth |. Auth.currentSession)
    Auth.auth |. Auth.currentSession
    |> Js.Promise.then_(currentSession => {
      |. CognitoUserSession.getAccessToken
      |. CognitoAccessToken.getJwtToken
      |> Js.Promise.resolve

let client = AWSAppSyncClient.create(~options=AWSAppSyncClient.createOptions(
  ~url=AWSExports.config |. AWSExports.aws_appsync_graphqlEndpointGet,
  ~region=AWSExports.config |. AWSExports.aws_appsync_regionGet,
), ());
  1. further follow react-apollo-hooks installation guide with above client used in
let app =
 <ReasonApolloHooks.ApolloProvider client>