
Exploring video files through thumbnails

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


SceneExplore explores video files through thumbnails.


  • You can explorers video files by viewing its thumbnails.
  • Supported video format is dependent on FFmpeg.


Download the binary from https://github.com/ambiesoft/SceneExplorer/releases.


This software is freeware. See LICENSE.


Windows7 or above and Linux, maybe MacOS too.


Installation is not required, extract an archive file.

FFmpeg and FFprobe

SceneExplorer needs FFmpeg and FFprove to create thumbnails. In windows distribution, these files are included in the archive file, you do not need to obtain them by yourself.

How to use

Add a folder containing videos.

Choose [Folder]->[Add Folder].

Creating thumbnails

  • From the folder pane, Right-click a folder and select [Rescan to create thumbnails].
  • Or from the menu, select [Task]->[start scan to create thumbnails...] to start creating thumbnails.

View thumbnails

From the folder pane, choose a folder to show its thumbnails. Clicking [All] shows all thumbnails and [Missing] shows thumbnails which original video files are missing.

Adding Tags

Tags provide a useful way to group related videos together and tell what a video is about. Tags also make it easier to find your content. Tags are similar to but more specific than, directories. The use of tags is completely optional.

You can create a new tag from [Tag]->[Add New Tag...] and it will be shown on Tag pane. If you select Tag, tagged videoes will be shown.

Files and Directories

There are 3 types of path SceneExplorer uses.

Database directory

The image files of thumbnails are stored under DatabaseDirectory/thumbs/ and its information is stored in database DatabaseDirectory/db.sqlite3. DatabaseDirectory can be configured by Preference Option or by command-line option "-d". Default location is C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Local\Ambiesoft\SceneExplorer.

Preference file

This file stores app configurations modified by a user through Option Dialogs. You can change the location by using FolderConfig.exe". Default location is C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Ambiesoft\SceneExplorer\SceneExplorer.ini.

Document file

This file holds Folders which user assigns. If you supply filename in command-line, the file will open. Default location is C:\Users<Username>\Documents\SceneExplorer\default.scexd.


If you want to make SceneExplorer portable, follow these instructions.

  1. Launch FolderConfig.exe and select "Under this folder".
  2. Launch SceneExplorer.exe, open option, Check Use custom database directory, and enter Database directory as ${SCENEEXPLORER_ROOT}/db.
  3. Or use command-line opton "-d" to specifiy the database directory.
  4. Create a document file in this directory.
  5. Create a *.bat file in the directory and write down the script as follow. This example launch MyApp.scexd.
start "" %~dp0SceneExplorer.exe %~dp0MyApp.scexd
  1. Or create a shortcut file.

See Help -> About Documents to confirm which files are used.


  1. Select [Help] -> [About Document] and find which directory is used.
  2. Remove those files and directories.


Windows (by QtCreator)

Open 'src\SceneExplorer.pro' and build.

Windows (incomplete)

Get the source and build tools by running the following command.

git clone https://github.com/ambiesoft/distSolution.git
git clone https://github.com/ambiesoft/profile.git
git clone https://github.com/ambiesoft/lsMisc.git
git clone https://github.com/ambiesoft/SceneExplorer.git

Copy prepare.bat.sample (in the directory SceneExplorer) and rename it to prepare.bat and edit it to set correct Environment values like as follows.

set PYTHONEXE=C:\local\python3.5\python.exe
set QTROOT=C:\local\Qt

set PRONAME=SceneExplorer

set FFMPEGSOURCEDIR=C:\LegacyPrograms\ffmpeg
set FFCEXE=C:\LegacyPrograms\FFC\FFC.exe
set DISTDIR=C:\Linkout\SceneExplorer

Run build.bat. This will build SceneExplorer into C:\Linkout\SceneExplorer.


Get the source and build tools by running the following command.

git clone https://github.com/ambiesoft/profile.git
git clone https://github.com/ambiesoft/lsMisc.git
git clone https://github.com/ambiesoft/SceneExplorer.git

Build SceneExplorer with following commands.

$ cd SceneExplorer
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ qmake ../src/SceneExplorer.pro
$ make




If you have troubles, post Issue on https://github.com/ambiesoft/SceneExplorer/issues.


Support Ambiesoft by making a donation. See https://ambiesoft.com/donate/.




This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the GPLv3 and its source can be downloaded here.


This software uses Qt. Source code: https://github.com/ambiesoft/qt5/tree/5.10
