ambikamishra03's Stars
The purpose of this project was to defeat the current Application Tracking System used by most of the organization to filter out resumes. In order to achieve this goal I had to come up with a universal score which can help the applicant understand the current status of the match. The following steps were undertaken for this project 1) Job Descriptions were collected from Glass Door Web Site using Selenium as other scrappers failed 2) PDF resume parsing using PDF Miner 3) Creating a vector representation of each Job Description - Used word2Vec to create the vector in 300-dimensional vector space with each document represented as a list of word vectors 4) Given each word its required weights to counter few Job Description specific words to be dealt with - Used TFIDF score to get the word weights. 5) Important skill related words were given higher weights and overall mean of each Job description was obtained using the product for word vector and its TFIDF scores 6) Cosine Similarity was used get the similarities of the Job Description and the Resume 7) Various Natural Language Processing Techniques were identified to suggest on the improvements in the resume that could help increase the match score
Resume matcher tool that matches job description with resumes
Extracting details from Resume(CVs) and matching with Job Description(JDs) using pretrained model like DistilBERT and ranking them using cosine similarity.
See how your resume would stack up against an employer's ATS system! Quantify the text in your resume with NLP to calculate how good of a match you are with an internship position
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Collection of LeetCode questions to ace the coding interview! - Created using [LeetHub](
All Algorithms implemented in Java
Collection of LeetCode questions to ace the coding interview! - Created using [LeetHub](
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