
Primary LanguageHTML


Posts are written in Rho and the layout is written in Jade. It's a middleman site.

Scripts for any custom shit I wish to do live in bin/. I symlink them to node_modules/.bin, because PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH, but you got to live your own life.

Organization of posts

  • The blog is organized by topic.
  • Each post has one topic and one title;
  • Each topic has one title.
  • Topics are a list from most- to least-recent; within a topic, posts are listed from least- to most-recent.

Presentation of posts

  • Left sidebar
    • Has the list of topics, properly ordered (as many as fit on the screen, but position: fixed, so only what fits fits)
    • Topics are collapsed, and expand to list of posts when clicked
    • Upon scrolling, slow fade to light grey (pure CSS) so text is emphasized
  • Text
    • Section (sub)headers
      • All have anchors ('§') for ease of deep-linking That is, both a class attribute and an \<a href='foo'\>§\</a\>
      • Closer to black in color than body text

Text Style

  • margin
    • Headers top and bottom in golden ratio (bottom -> 38%, top 62%)
    • Paragraphs no margin top or bottom
      • following another paragraph top margin to match section header bottom margin