
RSpec cheatsheet & Rails app: Learn how to expertly test Rails apps from a model codebase

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An RSpec cheatsheet in the form of a Rails app. Learn how to expertly test Rails apps from a model codebase

A small yet comprehensive reference for developers who want to know how to test Rails apps using RSpec.

Here you'll find in-depth examples with detailed documentation explaining how to test with RSpec and related testing gems, which you can then apply to your own projects.

This application was originally written for the benefit of the developers I coach, who've found it a useful memory aid and catalyst for when they're learning RSpec. Now I'd like to get feedback from the wider community.

The repo contains examples of various spec types such as feature, mailer, and model. See the spec/ directory for all the example specs and types.

In the README below, you'll find links to some of the most useful cheatsheets and API documentation available for RSpec users.

See the well-commented files in the spec/support directory for walkthroughs on how to configure popular testing gems, such as DatabaseCleaner, Capybara, and FactoryGirl.

Hopefully this will be of help to those of you learning RSpec and Rails. If there's anything missing you'd like to see covered in the project, please submit your request via the issue tracker, I'd be happy to help — Eliot Sykes

Support Configuration

The tests rely on this configuration being uncommented in spec/rails_helper.rb, you probably want it uncommented in your app too:

# Loads `.rb` files in `spec/support` and its subdirectories:
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }

(The rspec-rails installer generates this line, but it will be commented out.)

Testing Rake Tasks with RSpec

RSpec testing Rake task configuration and example:

Pry-rescue debugging

pry-rescue can be used to debug failing specs, by opening pry's debugger whenever a test failure is encountered. For setup and usage see pry-rescue's README.

Time Travel Examples

ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers provides helpers for manipulating and freezing the current time reported within tests. These methods are often enough to replace the time-related testing methods that the timecop gem is used for.

TimeHelpers configuration how-to and examples:

ActiveJob Examples

ActiveJob::TestHelper provides help to test ActiveJob jobs.

ActiveJob::TestHelper configuration how-to and examples:

Database Cleaner Examples

Database Cleaner is a set of strategies for cleaning your database in Ruby, to ensure a consistent environment for each test run.

Database Cleaner configuration how-to:

Factory Girl Examples

Factory Girl is a library to help setup test data. factory_girl_rails integrates Factory Girl with Rails.

Factory Girl configuration how-to and examples:

VCR Examples

VCR records your test suite's HTTP interactions and replays them during future test runs. Your tests can run independent of a connection to external URLs. These HTTP interactions are stored in cassette files.

VCR configuration how-to and examples:

Capybara Examples

Capybara helps you write feature specs that interact with your app's UI as a user does with a browser.

Capybara configuration how-to and examples:

Puffing Billy Examples

Puffing Billy is like VCR for browsers used by feature specs. Puffing Billy is a HTTP proxy between your browser and external sites, including 3rd party JavaScript. If your app depends on JavaScript hosted on another site, then Puffing Billy will keep a copy of that JavaScript and serve it from a local web server during testing. This means tests dependent on that JavaScript will carry on working even if the original host cannot be connected to.

If you need to debug Puffing Billy, refer to its output in log/test.log.

Puffing Billy configuration how-to and examples:

Shoulda-Matchers Examples

Shoulda-matchers make light work of model specs.

shoulda-matchers configuration how-to and examples:

Email-Spec Examples

The "Subscribe to newsletter" feature was developed with help from email_spec

email_spec configuration how-to and examples:

Devise Examples

Specs testing registration, sign-in, and other user authentication features provided by Devise:

Custom Matchers

You can write your own custom RSpec matchers. Custom matchers can help you write more understandable specs.

Custom matchers configuration how-to and examples:

RSpec-Expectations Docs

RSpec-Mocks Specs & Docs


See RSpec Rails for installation instructions.



Feature Specs & Docs

Mailer Specs & Docs

Controller Specs & Docs

Helper Specs & Docs

Routing Specs & Docs

Enable Spring for RSpec

Spring is a Rails application preloader. It speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background so you don't need to boot it every time you run a new command.

To take advantage of this boost when you run bin/rspec, the spring-commands-rspec gem needs to be installed and a new rspec binstub needs to be created:

# 1. Add `spring-commands-rspec` to Gemfile in development and test groups and 
#    install gem:
bundle install

# 2. Spring-ify the `bin/rspec` binstub:
bundle exec spring binstub rspec

# 3. Stop spring to ensure the changes are picked up:
bin/spring stop

# 4. Check bin/rspec is still working:

See the spring-commands-rspec README for up-to-date installation instructions: https://github.com/jonleighton/spring-commands-rspec

Automated Continuous Integration with Travis CI

Continuous Integration (CI) is the practice of integrating new code into the master branch frequently, to help detect merge conflicts, bugs, and improve the quality of the software a development team writes.

CI is usually accompanied by running an application's test suite against the latest code changes, and flagging any test failures that are found. Developers are expected to investigate and fix these failures to maintain a passing test suite and therefore quality.

Travis CI is a build server that helps automate the CI process. Travis CI runs an application's tests against the latest changes pushed to the application's code respository. In this project, Travis CI runs the project's tests (rake test) on pull requests and on changes to the master branch.

Travis CI configuration how-to and example:
