
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings. Look on my wedding photos ye Mighty, and enjoy!

Primary LanguageRuby

Alex and Audrey Birdsall wedding photos

a front-end photo gallery

With a performant (it's just a linked list and vanilla js), keyboard-navigable modal view; and the ability to either download medium-resolution copies of any photo or select a set of photo ids and POST them to

a back-end file-zipping and -streaming endpoint

which takes a list of photo ids, fetches the corresponding full-resolution photos from s3, and streams the data into a compressed archive for faster download.



class Photo
  attr_accessor :filename, :s3_url, :height, :width

  has_many :people, through: :appearances

class Person
  attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name

  has_many :photos, through: :appearances

class Appearance
  attr_accessor :in_focus

  belongs_to :photo
  belongs_to :person


  • optimize download speed I believe six open sockets per page is the standard, so particularly large zip photosets would download fastest if split into up to 5 or 6 (TODO: verify) zip files for parallel downloading.
  • unless it's terrible for the user I mean, as a user, having to open a bunch of zip files and then collate them all in whatever destination directory you wanted in your OS's GUI sounds like a bigger nuisance than a long download.


  • Any subset of photo.people can be in focus except the empty set: at least one person must be in focus.
  • Photos can be filtered by the people they contain, either by first_name && last_name or last_name

How to run the test suite

bin/rspec or, better, bin/guard