
Questions about the operation of script and

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I'm sorry to bother you. I set up the required environment on a ubuntu18 computer a few days ago and also ran the tran_a,b,c scripts without any problems.

I use jupyter lab to view and run the code.train_a,b,c They all run smoothly as shown below:
1They can train to complete.

When I run the scripts train_d and train_e, the script stops running when it prints out
" before oversampling=[ ] " (as if it had already finished).
Confusingly, there is no error reported either.

I am unable to solve this problem on my own for the time being and would appreciate your suggestions in your free time.

Additional note: I used pycharm to run these scripts in a windows 10 environment and they all worked fine.

I think the problem is your GPU memory. In any case, zewail-liu recently pointed out a bug in the code that could invalidate this work, please read issue #22 carefully.