A library over TensorFlow and Keras to experimnent with Adversarial Images. Examples included for CIFAR-10 data sets.
Add repository to your PYTHONPATH
Requirements: tensorflow, keras
./preprcessing/load_npy.py (-h for help)
Different model defintions from model_defs.py can be trained using this script.
./train.py (-h for help)
Trained models can be evaluated with std-droput and mc-dropput interpretaions
./test.py (-h for help)
Adversrial images for the the CIFAR10 images can be generated and saved using this script
./genadv.py (-h for help)
The epsilon used for FastGradientSign varies from 0.0 (top-left) to 0.1 (bottom-right).
Difference from original-image
Note: The compression algorithm/normalisation affects the imperceptibility of an image and its corresponsing adversarial image.
the noisy pixels vanish when saved as jpeg