Code for running Gaussian processes with convolutional and symmetric structures. The code is currently being cleaned up and will be continuously published over the next week or so. Things that you can expect to come:
- stored trained models,
- code to replicate the figures in the paper,
- detailed commands to replicate the exact experiments in the paper.
The accompanying paper can be found on arXiv.
GPflow with inter-domain support
In order to run the examples here, you need to have a branch of GPflow installed that supports inter-domain inducing variables. The branch located here and can be installed following the usual GPflow instructions. You can either use your favourite virtualenv to install the branch in, or switch back and forth between the main and customised versions of GPflow by running their setup script.
You will also need to setup the datasets. In /datasets
, run:
Running tests
Tests to check the correct functioning of most of the code is included. To run the tests use one of the two following:
python -m unittest
nosetests testing --nologcapture --with-coverage --cover-package=convgp --cover-html
The test coverage includes everything except the class MultiOutputInducingSVGP
Speed considerations
Running on the GPU is possible, and often significantly faster when using float32
data. This reduced precision is fine
when using stochastic optimisation, but often problematic when using (variants of) BFGS. We recommend float32
to be
used only with stochastic optimisation, and float64
otherwise. This has to be adjusted manually in the gpflowrc
Running experiments
We have the following experiments:
: Rectangles dataset (rbf, conv, and weighted conv kernels)
: Zeros vs ones MNIST (rbf, conv, and weighted conv kernels)
: Full multiclass MNIST (rbf, conv, and weighted conv kernels)
: Full multiclass MNIST (rbf + conv / wconv, rbf + poly + conv / wconv).
Many experiments have several command line options that can be used to modify a run. All have --name
, which determines
the name of the file in ./results/
that stores the optimisation trace. Experiments are resumed if a file of the
correct name exists. Other options change the learning rate or minibatch size. See below for example experiments.
Optimisation traces can be displayed using
. The results files are passed as a positional argument, e.g.:
python ./results/fullmnist*
python -k conv -M 16 --minibatch-size 100 -l 0.01 -n rectangles-paper # Paper
python -k fullgp-rbf --optimiser l-bfgs-b -M 0 # Optimal RBF
python -k wconv -M 16 --minibatch-size 100 -l 0.01 # Full solution
python -k conv -M 35 --minibatch-size 100 -l 0.01 # Full support on the GP
python -k wconv -M 35 --minibatch-size 100 -l 0.01 # Idem
python -k wconv -M 200 --minibatch-size 100 -l 0.01 --dataset rectangles-image --Zinit patches
The results for the rectangles-image dataset aren't super impressive. Need to play around with the learning rate, and perhaps other kernels (possibly additive).
Mnist 0 vs 1
python -k rbf -M 100
python -k conv -M 50
python -k wconv -M 50
python -k rbf -M 750 --learning-rate-block-iters=60000 --learning-rate "0.001 * 10**-(i // b / 3)" --minibatch-size 200
python -k conv -M 750 --learning-rate-block-iters=30000 --learning-rate "0.001 * 10**-(i // b / 3)" --minibatch-size 200
python -k wconv -M 750 --learning-rate-block-iters=30000 --learning-rate "0.001 * 10**-(i // b / 3)" --minibatch-size 200
python -k1 wconv -k2 rbf -M 750 --vardist full --learning-rate-block-iters=20000 --learning-rate "0.001 * 10**-(i // b / 3) --minibatch-size 200
The learning rate decay of the sum kernel experiment is set too aggressively for convergence of the variational objective function. However, this rate was chosen as it repeatably converges to the (near-optimal) performance reported in the paper with 24 hours of time on a GTX1080. We also ran the experiment for several times longer, which showed little improvement in performance and no signs of over-fitting.
python -k wconv -M 1000 --minibatch-size 50
python -k multi -M 1000 --minibatch-size 30
python -k addwconv -M 1000 --minibatch-size 30
Reproducing the plots from the paper
For reference, you can download the pickled optimisation histories for the results in the paper for
full MNIST (223 MB) and for
CIFAR-10 (408 MB). SHA checksums can be found
After running the above experiments, you can run python
to recreate the figures from the paper.
Notes on the code
While the repositories for gpflow-inter-domain
and convgp
are separate, they rely on some modifications in each
other. The most non-elegant adaptation to GPflow is to allow variables internal to the TensorFlow optimiser to be
restored through opt_tools. The whole set up is a bit less than ideal, it would probably be better to use the internal
TensorFlow loading and storing mechanisms, but this would require larger edits to GPflow.