
Primary LanguageMatlab

Experiments for an in-class Kaggle competition involving three tasks

  1. Density Modelling
  2. Classification
  3. Regression

Density Modelling -

Description - 14 dimensional data, 3 binomial variables (x_10, x_13, x_14). Pairwise plots reflect on the relationship between variables.Notable ones being 1. (x_13, x_4 and x_7) 2. (x_1, x_6, x_9 and x_12)

Data 		- data.csv and data_norm.csv (normliased across each column)
Previous	- Scrapbook
QQ PLot		- Analysis of x_2 in the provided data

Details of the experiments have been provided in the comments
Exp1 - 
Exp2 -
Exp3 -
Exp4 -\includegraphics[]{../../Downloads/utt1_spect.png}

Exp5 -
Exp6 -

Classification - 256 dimensional data, Histograms and pairwise scatter-plot suggest nothing,

Data -

Exp0 - 
Exp1 -
Exp2 -
Exp3 - Random Forest (Weka) 64 Features, 100 Trees, break-ties-randomly
Exp4 - RandomForest (Weka) 10 Features, 150 Trees

Weka results (Cross-validation)
KNN (k=22)				76.55
SMO 					56.473
ADTree					57.4414 
RotationForest			67.8389
RBFNetwork				64.0673
SimpleLogistic			56.7788
BFTree					62.4363
FunctionalTrees			63.4557
J48						63.0989
LADTree					60.1937
REPTree					60.6524
NBTree					63.0989
RandomForest(100Trees)	70.2854
RandomForest(200Trees)	71.2029
RandomForest(200T 10F)	71.8145
RandomForest(200T 100F)	71.2029
RandomForest(300T 10F)	71.2538
RandomForest(150T 10F)	71.9164