
How common is it for a team with a lower xG value to win a match in Hungarian NB1?

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

xG based Unexpected Wins (with_InStat data)

How common is it for a team with a lower xG value to win a match in Hungarian NB1?

About The Project

Goal, or what are we interested in?

how common is it for a team with a lower xG value to win a match in Hungarian NB1?


prerequisit: what is xG? -> link: https://twitter.com/ambrusz_a/status/1602384735333933057

Note: we annotated the steps performed (in the file)

  1. Data: We need data (we obtain them from InStat)

  2. Scrape:

    • here for scraping we have to write an access password code (here you should get by with your own e-mail and password)

      def site_login():
        driver.get ('https://football.instatscout.com/login')
            user_name = driver.find_element_by_name("email")
        except NoSuchElementException:
            print("exception handled")
        password = driver.find_element_by_name("pass")
        submit = driver.find_element_by_name("commit")
        driver = webdriver.Safari()
    • we have to collect the data we need, then organize and clean it

    • we are also interested in the number of xGPoints that can be obtained based on xG - that's why we write a function for this as well

  3. Data sorting:

    here, for further analysis, we distinguish between home and away teams, as well as collect detailed data of the matches (shots/xG) etc.

  4. Analysis and plot:

    we make a plot and analyze the data

This is where we want to go:

Képernyőfotó 2023-01-21 - 19 24 54


The team with the least xG won 22 of 94 games (~23% unexpected win) and of these 22 matches, 16 were (~72%) matches where the winning team with less xG scored the first goal


Ambrusz Árpád (Hungary)

email: ambruszarpad@gmail.com