
An easy way to save data, settings or anything else as json file in an application folder. Forked from sydev/electron-data. Add ability to change the file extension

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Forked from electron-data

An easy way to save data, settings or anything else as JSON file in an application folder, using a simple localStorage-like API, but promisified.

For version 1.x see the v1.x branch

Primary developed to work with Electron, but also works in any node application.

Table of Contents


$ npm install --save electron-data-ext

That´s all. You´re done. But wait...You want to use it, too?


const electron_data = require('electron-data-ext');

electron_data.config({/* Your config */});

Without any configuration, the file will be automatically created in your home directory like that: $HOME/.electron-app/data.json.



  • options Object (required)
    • filename String - Name for the file that will be stored and used. Default is data
    • path String - When using Electron, use app.getPath('userData') as value. Absolute path to your application directory. Will be created if not already exists. Default is home-dir-of-os/.electron-app/
    • autosave Boolean - If true, the file will be updated on every data change. Default is false
    • prettysave Boolean - If true, the content of the file will be in a more human readable format. Default is false
    • lastUpdate Boolean - If "true", a property is set, which contains the last update datetime.

Resolves the options as object.


Checks if the data file has a property named key. Resolves boolean.

  • key String (required) - Key name

Resolves an array of all presented keys in the data object.


If the data file has an property named key, resolves the value of given key.

  • key String (required) - Key name

Resolves an object containing given keys and their values. If one or more keys aren´t presented at the data object, they will be skipped.

  • keys Array (required) - Array of key names.

Resolves the whole data object, even if it´s empty.

electron_data.set(key, value)

Sets the given value to the given key in the data file. If one of both is missing, the key isn´t a string or the value isn´t a valid JSON value, the promise rejects an error. For an overview of allowed value types, have a look at json.org.

  • key String - Property name
  • value ? - Property value. Can be any JSON conform data.

Sets all key => value pairs from given object to the data object. Overrides previous values with the same key.

  • object Object (required) - A valid JSON object.

Deletes the key => value pair @key.

  • key String - Key name

Clears all data. Be careful, the data can´t be restored.


Saves the data to the specified file.


const electron_data = require('electron-data-ext');

  filename: 'example',
  path: '/my/awesome/directory'

  .then(options => {
      filename: 'example',
      path: '/my/awesome/directory',
      autosave: false,
      prettysave: false,
      lastUpdate: false

// Store a key => value
electron_data.set('my-prop', {'awesome': 'module'})
  .then(data => {
    console.log(data); // {'awesome': 'module'}

// Save the data to a JSON file
  .then(error => {
    console.log(error); // undefined

// Check if the data has a value for "my-prop"
  .then(has_key => {
    console.log(has_key); // true

// Get the value for "my-prop"
  .then(value => {
    console.log(value); // {'awesome': 'module'}

// Remove "my-prop"
  .then(deleted => {
    console.log(deleted); // true

// Clear all data
  .then(data => {
    console.log(data); // {}

You can enable autosave, so you don´t have to explicit save your data.

electron_data.config({autosave: true});

To save the data more readable, set the prettysave option.

electron_data.config({prettysave: true});

To save a lastUpdate value , set the lastUpdateoption.

electron_data.config({lastUpdate: true});


Run test:

npm test

Release Notes

  • 2.2.0
    • Add ability to change the file extension (e.g. .jso, .con, .conf)
    • Forked from electron-data
  • 2.1.0
    • Add new methods (getMany, getAll, setMany, keys). For more informations, read the API-Section
    • Some bugfixes
  • 2.0.1
    • Some bugfixes
  • 2.0.0
    • Promisify all methods
    • Not using the object-oriented notation anymore. For more informations have a look @Usage
  • 1.2.2
    • Reload the data on ElectronData.get()
  • 1.2.1
    • Fixed: silent error on non-valid JSON values (Issue #1). For an overview of allowed value types, have a look at json.org.
  • 1.2
    • removed Object.observe polyfill and added an elegant Proxy solution.
    • added lastUpdate option. Read Usage for further informations.
  • 1.1.1
    • added Object.observe polyfill, because is removed in future V8 releases
  • 1.1
    • removed dirname from constructor options
    • added autosave
    • added prettysave
    • added callback to save function
  • 1.0 - Initial release