
Primary LanguageHTML

//title and purpose of the application

Title: Appointment application
Purpose: Manage appointments, including add, edit, delete, avoid conflicts

// author, contact information, student application version, and date
Author: Adam Byra
Contact: abyra1@wgu.edu
Application version: 1.0
Date: 5/26/2023

// IDE including version number (e.g., IntelliJ Community 2020.01), full JDK of version used (e.g., Java SE 17.0.1), and JavaFX version compatible with JDK version (e.g. JavaFX-SDK-17.0.1)
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.3

// directions for how to run the program

Directions: open application in intelliJ IDE, run 'Main' (Shift +F10 on windows)

// a description of the additional report of your choice you ran in part A3f

Description: the report counts how many database entries there are for each table in the database.
This is useful for determining the total number of customers, employees, etc, as well as the size of the db.

// the MySQL Connector driver version number, including the update number (e.g., mysql-connector-java-8.1.23)
Version: 8.0.25