
Yocto Build for a Tauri environment for a Toradex Colibri iMX8X

Primary LanguageBitBakeMIT LicenseMIT

This README file contains information on the contents of the meta-bsm layer.

Please see the corresponding sections below for details.

Note: This repo is intended to work with the Colibri iMX8X chipset using the Dunfell 5.x.y BSP files. Please see this Toradex wiki stub to get started with the correct BSP files. If a link references kirkstone-6.x.y, replace with dunfell-5.x.y.


URI: meta-clang

branch: dunfell-clang12

URI: meta-browser

branch: master

. . .


Please submit any patches against the meta-bsm layer to the xxxx mailing list (xxxx@zzzz.org) and cc: the maintainer:

Maintainer: XXX YYYYYY xxx.yyyyyy@zzzzz.com

Table of Contents

I. Adding the meta-bsm layer to your build II. Misc

I. Adding the meta-bsm layer to your build

  1. After setting up the oe-core/ directory with Dunfell tooling (see Toradex link above), goto the oe-core/ directory and type .export. This will setup the shell environment for bitbake.
  2. Modify oe-core/build/conf/local.conf. Pick the correct MACHINE and add the ACCEPT_FSL_EULA = "1". See here for more info.
  3. In oe-core/layers/ clone:
  • meta-clang: Make sure to then switch to the dunfell-clang12 branch
  • meta-browser: Master should work
  • meta-bsm: This repo, master should work
  1. Open up oe-core/layers/meta-browser/meta-chromium/recipes-browser/chromium/chromium-ozone-wayland*.inc in a text editor
  2. At the end of the file, add CXXFLAGS += "-D__GBM__" (see thread to follow bug)
  3. Edit oe-core/build/conf/bblayers.conf:
  • Add meta-browser/meta-chromium
  • Add meta-bsm
  • Add meta-clang Note - Use the other examples in the file as a template to adding this. meta-bsm might look something along like ${DIR}/layers/meta-bsm \
  1. run bitbake bsm. This may take a lot of memory, consider using PARALLEL_MAKE="-j 4" BB_NUMBER_THREADS="6" bitbake bsm and replace 4 and 6 as needed. On a 32-core, 32GB Linux machine I used 12 and 12 and no OOM issues.
  2. Wait
  3. Keep waiting
  4. Hopefully no errors. Since this is Toradex, transfer the oe-core/build/deploy/images/colibri-imx8x/ tezi.tar.xz to a USB drive.
  5. Reset the Toradex, plug in the USB, and flash the image. See here for more info.
  6. After flashing, the inital boot should launch to a login.
  7. SSH in, or login, and modify /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini. Set--backend=wayland-backend.so and comment out xwayland=true.
  8. Reboot
  9. Weston should boot
  10. SSH in and launch chromium --no-sandbox.

II. Misc

--- replace with specific information about the meta-bsm layer ---


  • Add Rust recipes
  • Add NodeJS recipes
  • Harden with users
  • Auto update weston.ini
  • Test electron
  • Test Tauri