
Vim settings

Primary LanguageVim script

Welcome to Austin's NVIM Config

This is my attempt at a portable, cross platform NVIM script to make NVIM my goto text editor. Special thanks to Reece Stevens for encouraging me to pursue this option.


TL; DR Installation

  1. Clone the repository
  2. chmod +x ./install.sh
  3. ./install.sh

Installation Summary

Installation is automated using a shell script that checks for NVIM directories. If the directories do not exist, they are created. Once the directories are found or created, the init.vim file is copied to:


Once NeoVIM is launched, Plugins should be automatically downloaded and ready to use.

flowchart TB
A(Start) --> B{Folders exist?}
B -->|No| C(Create Folder)
B -->|Yes| D(Copy init.vim)
C --> D
D --> E(Open NVIM)
E --> F(Auto-install plugins)
F --> G(Finish)


  • jk is mapped to <Esc> in insert mode
  • Tabs are set to 4 characters
  • Numbered lines
  • Column marker at 80 characters
  • Spell checking (en_us)
  • Plugins
    • Plugged plugin manager
    • JavaScript and TypeScript syntax highlighting
    • Nerd Tree (mapped to df)
    • Markdown Preview ()
    • Vim-Doge Doxygen comment generate ()